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AI Will Transform the Future of Robotics

Jan. 10, 2024
Discover how artificial intelligence is drastically changing and shaping the future of the robotics industry by enabling a new era of possibilities.

What you'll learn:

  • What industries will benefit from AI-driven robotics?
  • Challenges surrounding the implementation of AI.
  • Why education is vital in the push forward with AI.


Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are undeniably transforming the technology landscape, presenting a golden opportunity for integration across industries like never before. Nearly 50% of technology executives are prioritizing AI as their largest investment over the next year, highlighting the fact that the technology sector is betting big on AI and robotics. 

Recent advances in autonomous AI serve as fuel for innovation. An era of new possibilities lies before us, if we can also address the inherent challenges and apprehension in adopting widespread AI solutions. 

The Current State of AI and Robotics

AI has come a long way from science-fiction fantasies. Until recently, AI was confined to simpler applications and lacked the intelligence needed for complex tasks, limiting robot capabilities. Writing code line by line to instruct robots was cumbersome, and robots could not adapt to changes in their environment without the intervention of a human operator. 

Gone are those days, as AI has made significant developments in recent years, with ChatGPT and similar technologies beginning to scratch the surface of generative AI capabilities. In parallel, we have seen an increasing appetite for, and acceptance of, AI, as evidenced by ChatGPT’s remarkable adoption rate of 1 million users within the first five days of its release.

The dream of seamless AI-robot integration felt more like a Jetsons episode than reality, until about eight months ago. Remember Rosey, the helpful robot? She served as a vision of the future, but it remained confined to a cartoon world. Until now. 

Today, with AI evolution in high gear, robots are finally catching up. The recent evolution of AI and machine learning enables robots to operate with intelligence and adaptability. We now find ourselves in a sprint toward the full integration of AI and robotics, with many companies eager to leverage this transformative technology.

Industries Poised for Transformation

AI and robotics are gearing up to revolutionize industries across the board. Liberating human workers from dangerous and degrading jobs is at the top of the list. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, there’s one work-related death in the U.S. every 101 minutes. 

To combat those tragedies, autonomous machines are able to handle jobs that put lives at risk, freeing up humans for more creative and meaningful work. Consider industries such as defense, cleaning and janitorial services, inspections, and security, which can be enhanced through automation. In addition to avoiding risks to human workers, robots can perform dangerous and repetitive tasks more consistently and efficiently. 

For instance, consider the trucking and logistics industries. Growing up the son of a truck driver, I’ve experienced firsthand the heavy physical and mental toll truck driving takes on the body. Maladies include exhaustion from spending long hours on the road, stress from road conditions and heavy workload, back injuries from the constant loading and unloading of heavy cargo, and so much more. 

On top of managing one’s personal wellbeing, truck drivers have to be extra cautious on the roads as they are faced with dangerous drivers and deadly accidents every single day. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), a total of 4,714 people died in large truck crashes in 2021—a 17% increase compared with the previous year. Autonomous drones and robots can deliver many of these packages, relieving human safety concerns related to spending long hours behind a wheel on the road. 

Consider another example: search and rescue operations. Imagine a scenario where a natural disaster, such as an earthquake or a hurricane, has left people trapped under rubble or in remote locations. AI-powered robots can navigate through debris, detect signs of life using advanced sensors, and communicate real-time information to human responders. 

These robots can work tirelessly, without fatigue or risk to human lives, to locate and provide critical aid to survivors. The integration of AI in search and rescue robotics not only accelerates response time, but also increases the likelihood of saving lives. AI's potential to enhance human capabilities and safety knows no bounds.

Challenges in Advancing AI and Robotics

Technological advances have been impressive, but hurdles remain. One significant challenge is public apprehension regarding the widespread adoption of AI. Concerns about job displacement, privacy, and ethical use of AI technologies can lead to resistance and hesitancy. Bridging the gap between the potential benefits of AI and addressing these concerns is essential for societal acceptance.

Then, there’s the need for stable and fast internet connectivity worldwide. Robots often rely on cloud computing to offload complex tasks, and a lack of reliable internet can interfere with their performance. The global rollout of high-speed internet is the key to unlocking AI-driven robotics’ full potential.

Another challenge is regulatory hurdles, which have slowed down innovation in the field. Government agencies like the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) play a crucial role in regulating the use of autonomous technologies, such as AI-powered drones and other robots. 

While regulation is necessary to ensure safety and ethics, it can also stifle innovation. Striking the right balance between allowing innovation to flourish and maintaining safety is a challenge that must be addressed by policymakers.

Essentials for Pushing AI and Robotics to the Next Level

Several priorities should guide the advancement of AI and robotics for researchers, developers, educators, and policymakers. Topping our list is education. To ensure that AI and robotics technologies are used responsibly, and to prepare the workforce as AI and robotics are increasingly integrated into various industries, society must prioritize education. 

A high-level understanding of AI should be a fundamental part of the education system. AI literacy should be standard, not a novelty. Instead of fearing AI, educators should lean into it, doing all they can to ensure that students are well-versed in AI's capabilities and limitations. 

One way to achieve that goal is by using AI-driven tools like ChatGPT in the classroom. These tools can assist teachers in providing personalized education and empowering students to develop AI literacy. Just as calculators became a standard tool in education, AI should become an integral part of the learning process.

When more people comprehend how AI works as well as the ethical considerations surrounding its use, through improved education and training, we can collectively hold each other accountable. 

Furthermore, governments should promote innovation by reducing regulatory barriers that hinder progress. This approach will encourage entrepreneurship and accelerate the adoption of AI and robotics across industries. 

In two decades, AI will be a common part of our everyday lives, much like smartphones today. The more people who understand it, the better we can safeguard its responsible use. History teaches us that technology becomes safer when it’s democratized and when power is distributed. 

However, we need clear rules and penalties to weed out the bad actors, with punishments for misuse. Harsh penalties will discourage unethical behavior while allowing the market to thrive and innovate. 

A Future of Endless Possibilities

The fusion of AI and robotics is set to revolutionize industries, liberate humanity from blue collar tasks, and drive innovation to new heights. As we navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, embracing education, responsible governance and innovation will be essential. 

The future of AI and robotics is one of endless possibilities, where machines work alongside humans to create a brighter, safer, and more efficient world.

About the Author

Victorio Pellicano | Founder and CEO, Avianna

Victorio Pellicano is the founder and CEO of Avianna. Born out of his relentless pursuit to make robots smarter and humans safer, Avianna is the world’s first autonomous artificial-intelligence software for robots that enables full autonomy and natural language communication between the robot and its operator. Avianna is revolutionizing how AI can be used for good, creating a transformative impact on our world through the intersection of robotics and AI.

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