PCI ADC Card Samples At 5-GSPS Pace

May 1, 2001

Capable of performing eight-bit A/D conversion at sampling rates up to 5 Gsamples/s on two simultaneous channels with 500 MHz analog bandwidth, the CompuScope 85G is reported as being the industry's fastest PCIbus waveform digitizer. Utilizing semiconductor technology from Tektronix, the card features oscilloscope-like amplifiers that provide low noise, flexible signal conditioning.
The single-slot, full length PCI card is well suited for applications that include embedded data acquisition, manufacturing test and high energy physics. Also available is the CompuScope 1450, which features very high resolution, sample rate as high as 50 Msamples/s, deep acquisition memory, and 100 MB/s data transfer to PC memory. Pricing is $4,995 for CompuScope 85G.

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