Sep 8 | Electronic Design Power & Analog UpdateSPECIAL EDITION | |
| Sponsored by Texas Instruments | | |
| 3 ways to speed cycle time when designing with brushless-DC motorsDesigning systems with BLDC motors can be challenging, because it usually requires complex hardware and optimized software designs to deliver reliable real-time control. In this article, we discuss three methods for simplifying this process. | |
| |  MCF8316A: Sensorless FOC control, 3-phase BLDC motor driverA single-chip, code-free, sensorless FOC solution for customers driving speed-controlled 12- to 24-V brushless-DC motors (BLDC) or Permanent Magnet Synchronous motor with 8-A peak current capability. | |
|  MCT8316A: Sensorless trapezoidal control, 3-phase BLDC motor driverA single-chip, code-free, sensorless trapezoidal solution for customers requiring high speed operation (up to 3 kHz electrical) or very fast startup time (<50ms capable). | |
| | Have you ever wished for a quieter and energy efficient home appliance? With TI’s new integrated BLDC motor driver with sensorless FOC control, designers can spin the motor with the best acoustic performance in matter of minutes. | | |
| | Open-concept floor plans for homes and offices have increased demand for quieter appliances. In this application report, learn how advanced real-time control techniques achieve better acoustic performance with BLDC motor drivers. | | |
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