| | Digital isolators provide a simple, reliable approach to achieving high-voltage isolated communication for industrial and automotive apps. This article explores why an isolated power supply is needed, and common topologies that are used to implement it. |
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| | Designers of high-voltage systems have a variety of options to isolate circuits. This easy-to-read paper from TI covers the pros and cons of magnetic, capacitive, and optical isolation, and includes practical tips for designing more reliable EV, grid infrastructure, factory automation and motor drive applications. | |
| Advertisement |  TPSI2140-Q11400-V, 50-mA, automotive isolated switch with 2-mA avalanche rating. | |
|  AMC23C12Fast-response, reinforced, isolated window comparator. | |
|  UCC14240-Q1Industry's smallest 1.5-W isolated dual-output DC/DC bias supply module. | |
|  ISOW7741Low-emissions isolator with integrated power. | |
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| | This reference design achieves isolation while transferring signal and power to the secondary side without an isolated bias supply. | |
| | Monitor isolation resistance and insulation leakage from DC to protective earth (PE) at regular intervals, with no external supply on hot side. | |
| | Watch this short video to see what TI thinks must evolve to keep reliability and affordability at the forefront of isolated designs. | |
| | Find additional products like isolated gate drivers, isolated amplifiers, isolated ADCs, isolated interfaces, and digital isolators. | |
| Sponsored by Texas Instruments | | |
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