Introduced as a matchbox-size controller board, the SBC3010 single-board computer (SBC) from Wilke Technology measures 2.4" square and utilizes an application (BASICdoes) that accommodates in-field programming. The board provides two relays, five I/O lines, two serial ports, and a backlit-LCD connector. Other features include up to 510K of EEPROM and an operating temperature range from -20°C to +60°C. The SBC also comes with a starter kit that contains many ready-made Basic routines. Single-unit price is $79 with quantity pricing set at $39.95 each/1,000. For more details, contact the distributor, Alan Lowne, at SAELIG CO. INC., Pittsford, NY. (585) 385-1750.
Company: SAELIG CO. INC.
Product URL: Click here for more information