Flat-Panel Displays Are Readable In The Sun

Aug. 1, 1999

In the LX-I-320x240.80 BlackLite 1/4 VGA flat panel display, patented optical-interference technology has been employed to reduce reflection and improve contrast and clarity of characters in all ambient conditions. The Black Layer technology is also said to minimize display washout when viewed in the sun. As a result, the flat-panel displays are legible even in bright sunshine.Specially produced units are approved for space applications, while other configurations are suitable for avionics and defense applications. Other features include a very wide viewing angle of more than 160° off any axis, a wide operating temperature range of zero to 55°C standard and -40°C to 70°C optional, and rugged construction. Active display area is 4” x 3” in a matrix of 320 x 420 pixels. Typical brightness is 35 fL.

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