Spirent Communications

San Jose, CA 95143


About Spirent Communications

Spirent is a provider of automated test and assurance solutions for networks, cybersecurity, and positioning.


2708 Orchard Parkway
Suite 20
San Jose, CA 95143
+1 (408) 752-7100

More Info on Spirent Communications

Our innovative portfolio of products and services addresses the test, assurance, and automation challenges of a new generation of technologies: 5G, SD-WAN, cloud, autonomous vehicles, and beyond. Each year we assure the promises that more than 1,500 customers worldwide make to their customers, spanning communications, transportation, government, defense, aerospace, financial services, healthcare, retail, and more. Our network, cybersecurity, and positioning experts work closely with customers to understand their needs and deliver solutions that cover their entire technology lifecycle, from the lab to real-world deployment.

Articles & News

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Test & Measurement

Collaboration to Provide Open RAN Ecosystem Test Solutions

Feb. 24, 2023
The joint effort will play a key role in helping equipment vendors, carriers, system integrators, cloud service providers, and others to configure an Open RAN ecosystem.
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In 2023, Look for Cellular Providers to Continue Their 5G Transformations

Jan. 23, 2023
Densification, automation, scaling up of private networks, and a push for monetization are among the trends Spirent sees for 5G in the coming year.
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Test & Measurement

While Reevaluating the Silicon Ecosystem, Let’s Rethink Testing, Too

Dec. 9, 2021
Broad adoption of 800G optical networking is still on the horizon, so meeting time-to-market demands will require chipset makers, network vendors, and OEMs to completely rethink...
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Tomorrow’s Innovations Demand Smarter Chipset Testing

Nov. 2, 2021
The innovations of tomorrow require a new generation of chipsets, but pre- and post-silicon testing has become enormously complex and unwieldy. Fortunately, new approaches can...

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