The LC574A family of DSOs offers four input channels with 1-GHz bandwidth and a 1-GS/s rate on each channel. Record lengths are up to 2 Mbytes per channel or 8 Mbytes on a single channel.
The capability to look at multiple signals by toggling between opaque/transparent is enhanced by using trace colors, a color CRT with a 9″ viewing area and fast handling of data acquisition through a 96-MHz PowerPC with up to 64 Mbytes of RAM. A range of triggering features captures signal aberrations and measurement capabilities to diagnose the source of problems. The LC574A is supplied with the company’s ProBus™ Intelligent Probe Interface. LC574A: $26,490; LC574AM: $29,490; LC574AL: $37,490. LeCroy, (914) 425-2000.