The LC584A series of color digital storage oscilloscopes has four input channels with 1-GHz bandwidth and 2-GS/s sampling on each channel. They supply long record lengths—up to 2 MB per channel or 8 MB on a single channel—to capture complex signals and zoom in on important details of long signals.
A trigger IC exclusive to the LC584A series sets exclusion triggers for slew rate and amplitude. Signal diagnostic and troubleshooting tools include measurement of 42 signal parameters, worst-cast analysis, and an FFT package to resolve 4 million time-domain samples. Documentation tools provide the capability to save data to floppy disk, GPIB, RS-232, internal memory, and a high-speed graphics printer.
The LC584A has 250k memory per channel, the LC584AM has 500k memory per channel, and the LC584AL has 2M memory per channel. LC584A: $20,990; LC584AM: $29,490; LC584AL: $37,490. LeCroy, (914) 578-6020.
Copyright 1998 Nelson Publishing Inc.
July 1998