TestStand is a fully customizable, ready-to-use test executive software program. Features include a 32-bit, high-speed, multithreaded execution engine; compatibility with LabVIEW™, LabWindows™/CVI, Visual Basic, and C/C++ test development languages; built-in data-base storage capabilities; and customizable operator interfaces, reporting options, and execution control.
Multithreading can run many copies of the test program simultaneously on separate test systems or provide parallel test execution on a single DUT. Advanced test sequencing, conditional execution and control, and looping and branching are supported.
TestStand is supported by technical personnel, comprehensive training, and documentation. Integrated SPC, data-base, and reporting tools facilitate manufacturing process monitoring and design improvements. TestStand: $2,995. Two-day training course: $1,295. National Instruments, (800) 258-7022.
Copyright 1998 Nelson Publishing Inc.
November 1998