Keysight Webinar

RF Fundamentals Part 2: Spectral Analysis

In Part 2 of RF Fundamentals, we will continue our discussion of measurement challenges associated with the RF signal chain. We will discuss swept tuned and FFT receiver techniques and optimization of spectral search techniques, including RBW, VBW and dynamic range criteria for the most accurate measurements. You will also learn about distortion and noise contributions.
Sponsored by Keysight Technologies

Date & Time

  • This webinar is now available On-Demand.
  • Please complete the registration.

Event Type

  • On-Demand Webinar


Kevin Nguyen
RF & Microwave Applications Engineer
Keysight Technologies 


Why this webcast is important:
In Part 2 of RF Fundamentals, we will continue our discussion of measurement challenges associated with the RF signal chain. We will discuss swept tuned and FFT receiver techniques and optimization of spectral search techniques, including RBW, VBW and dynamic range criteria for the most accurate measurements.  You will  also learn about distortion and noise contributions.

Who should attend:
Recent engineering graduates, experienced R&D engineers transitioning to RF, or technicians and engineers who are or will be involved in manufacturing test and/or design and simulation.

Webinar Registration

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