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Rusty Programming

March 19, 2025
Learn about the Rust programming language.

What you'll learn


Rust is a programming language. That's simple enough, but the intricacies of Rust, what it can do, and how it stacks up with other langauges is a bit more complicated. This TechXchange provides a starting point into understanding these issues. New Rust content is being added as we get it, so keep checking back. And don't forget to take our Rust poll

Below are some articles you might be interested in as well. Check these sections for more Rust-specific content, including videos and podcasts. 

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Programmer contemplating code

Do You Recognize These? Programming Language Challenge

Challenge your knowledge of programming languages.
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eBook: Mission-Critical Rust: Managing Memory

When it comes to software development, the Rust programming language excels at mission-critical applications.
Inside Electronics

Can Rust Work for Safety-Critical Embedded Systems?

Ferrous Systems’s Florian Gilcher talks about the Rust programming language and safe software.
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NSA Recommends Safe Memory Management

The U.S. National Security Agency recently published the “Software Memory Safety” Cybersecurity Information Sheet.

Related TechXchanges

These are other TechXchanges that address Rust-related technologies and issues. 

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Developing High-Quality Software

High-quality software requires good programmers using the right tools and methodologies.
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Trace Debugging Techniques

Trace tools provide developers with real-time debugging information needed to solve tough diagnostic problems.
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Comparing Rust, C, C++, Ada and SPARK

This TechXchange takes a look at some programming languages that target high reliability embedded applications

Is Rust Ready for Prime Time?

As you might guess, the answer is yes. Here are some articles on why Rust is ready now. 

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Rust is Ready for Prime Time

Ferrous Systems released its Ferrocene Rust compiler as open source.
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Lab Bench Promo Wavebreakmedia Dreamstime Xxl 48965570

Delivering Reliable, Rugged Rust

Though it’s a relatively new programming language, Rust is now ready for prime time.

Rust Survey Highlights its Growing Popularity

The latest Rust survey had more than 5,000 respondents. Most are using Rust in applications.

Rust Continues to Mature

Rust is an emerging programming language designed to be a “safe, concurrent practical language.”

Learning About Rust

The Rust website is a good starting point for learning about Rust. Below are some articles to get your feet wet without diving in too deeply. 

You can try out Rust programs online using the Rust Playground at rust-lang.org. The Rust online documentation includes the Rust Programming Language book. Plenty of other Rust books are available, too, such as Programing Rust by Jim Blandy, Jason Orendorff, and Leonora Tindall.


Reflections on Rust

Technology Editor Bill Wong takes a crack at Rust, a relatively new programming language designed for safe and secure application development.
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An Objective Look at Rust

Rather than implementing an object-oriented programming architecture, the Rust language offers modular programming support, using traits rather than classes.
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Reading Rust for C Programmers

Here’s a very short intro to the syntax for Rust, the up-and-coming programming language in the embedded space.

Embeddable Rust

Ferrous Systems' Jonathan Pallant offers his answers on the question: "What should embedded developers know about Rust?"
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Comparing Rust, C, C++, Ada and SPARK

This TechXchange takes a look at some programming languages that target high reliability embedded applications

Using Rust for Mission-Critical Applications

Rust is designed so that it's easier to create safe and reliable programs. This is useful for any application, but it's very important for mission-critical applications such as those for transportation, medical, and industrial applications. 

In many cases, mission-critical applications require certification of not only the application, but also the tools. Rust is certifiable, allowing for it to be used in many mission-critical areas. 


The Benefits of Using Rust for Mission-Critical Systems

Rust offers a promising solution for more secure, reliable code and has the potential to transform safety-critical software development.
Endeavor Business Media

Certifiable Rust

Ferrous Systems’s Ferrocene brings Rust into the safe and secure embedded space.
Why Commercial Rust Software is Important for Critical Solutions

Why Commercial Rust Software is Critical for Critical Solutions

AdaCore’s GNAT Rust solution brings commercial support to Rust developers.
157787561 © Wutthichai Luemuang | Dreamstime.com
Programmer Dreamstime 157787561

NSA Recommends Safe Memory Management

The U.S. National Security Agency recently published the “Software Memory Safety” Cybersecurity Information Sheet.

Rust and SPARK: Software Reliability for Everyone

Programming languages often defer reliability and security issues to tools and processes. Two initiatives—SPARK and Rust—state that language is key to reaching these objectives...
High Quality Software Promo

Developing High-Quality Software

High-quality software requires good programmers using the right tools and methodologies.

Rust Videos and Podcasts

You can also watch, listen, and learn about Rust. 

Endeavor Business Media

Certifiable Rust

Ferrous Systems’s Ferrocene brings Rust into the safe and secure embedded space.
Inside Electronics

Can Rust Work for Safety-Critical Embedded Systems?

Ferrous Systems’s Florian Gilcher talks about the Rust programming language and safe software.

Find Who is Using Rust

Take the poll and give us your view of Rust. Then see what everyone else thinks of Rust. 

More Programming TechXchanges

These are also helpful in case you want to find out about more software-development tools.


Electronic Design TechXchange by Category

Check out all our topic-focused TechXchange content collections.
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All About Ada and SPARK Programming

Ada and SPARK are often used to develop applications that require high reliability and no bugs.
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Generating AI

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) like chatbots are changing the way many use AI.
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Embedded Python Programming

Python programming is popular on the web and for AI applications but it can also be used for embedded applications.
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Comparing Rust, C, C++, Ada and SPARK

This TechXchange takes a look at some programming languages that target high reliability embedded applications
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VMs, Unikernels, and Containers

Developers have a variety of ways to partition their system for modularity and security
About the Author

William G. Wong | Senior Content Director - Electronic Design and Microwaves & RF

I am Editor of Electronic Design focusing on embedded, software, and systems. As Senior Content Director, I also manage Microwaves & RF and I work with a great team of editors to provide engineers, programmers, developers and technical managers with interesting and useful articles and videos on a regular basis. Check out our free newsletters to see the latest content.

You can send press releases for new products for possible coverage on the website. I am also interested in receiving contributed articles for publishing on our website. Use our template and send to me along with a signed release form. 

Check out my blog, AltEmbedded on Electronic Design, as well as his latest articles on this site that are listed below. 

You can visit my social media via these links:

I earned a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Masters in Computer Science from Rutgers University. I still do a bit of programming using everything from C and C++ to Rust and Ada/SPARK. I do a bit of PHP programming for Drupal websites. I have posted a few Drupal modules.  

I still get a hand on software and electronic hardware. Some of this can be found on our Kit Close-Up video series. You can also see me on many of our TechXchange Talk videos. I am interested in a range of projects from robotics to artificial intelligence. 

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