Transphorm Inc.


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Articles & News

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GaN in SiP Pushes the Pace for Power Delivery

March 16, 2023
On display at APEC, the new GaN power IC is designed for USB Type-C PD adapters that support up to 100 W.
Image credit: Transphorm
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GaN to Bring Bidirectional Current and Voltage Control

Sept. 13, 2022
The Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) wants access to better GaN power switches.

Videos & Resources

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Electronic Design

This Crucial WBG Power Transistor Reliability Test is Often Missing

Feb. 15, 2021
What is this important "failure" test and why it is important? This article also speculates as to why it seems to be missing from most GaN and SiC suppliers’ reliability reports...

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All content from Transphorm Inc.

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Feb. 24, 2021
This Crucial WBG Power Transistor Reliability Test is Often Missing What is this important "failure" test and why it is important? This article also speculates as to why it seems...