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A Little Levity and Looking Forward to Independence Day

April 1, 2021
The opportunity to put practical pranks into prose is how editors have fun.

Members can download the entire collection of April 1st articles in PDF format.

From April 1st, 2021 @Electronic Design

At least in the United States, the COVID-19 vaccine will have been administered to the majority of adults by Independence Day—the Fourth of July—hence our promotional image. I’ve actually grown my hair longer, but not quite that long at this point. It’s just one of the side effects of the global pandemic that has devastated the world. 

Our April 1st efforts last year were met with very positive feedback for the most part and it’s our goal once again that this year’s assortment of impossible technical trivia will bring a smile to your face. Adding a little humor may help uplift the spirit so that we can overcome the trauma caused by Mother Nature and often short-sighted plans.

Hopefully, you find one or more of our April 1st articles that tweak your fancy. Don’t forget to check out last year’s collection as well.

Do you have some fun fiction ideas you want to share? Add a comment at the end of the article or drop us an email.

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