

About MoSys

MoSys Addresses Accelerating Data Intelligence, and provides both semiconductor and IP solutions.


More Info on MoSys

MoSys is focused on Accelerating Data Intelligence and provides both semiconductor and IP solutions that enable fast, intelligent data access and decision making for a wide range of markets including cloud networking, security, 5G networks, SmartNIC, test and measurement, and video systems. MoSys’s Quazar family of high-speed memories and the Blazar family of Accelerator Engines are memory integrated circuits with unmatched intelligence, performance and capacity that eliminate data access bottlenecks to deliver speed and intelligence in systems, including those scaling from 100G to multi-terabits per second. MoSys’s Stellar family of Virtual Accelerator Engines includes software, FPGA RTL and RISC-based firmware that accelerate applications and are portable across a wide range of hardware configurations with or without MoSys silicon chips.

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All content from MoSys


MoSys Purchases Custom Algorithm Search Patents

April 14, 2021
MoSys announced that it has expanded its patent portfolio though the purchase of five patents in the area of search and classification algorithms. MoSys’s Stellar Packet Classification...