Both analog and digital engineers, whether novice or experienced, will find value in Bob Pease’s time-honored book, Troubleshooting Analog Circuits (Fig. 1). Bob’s many decades of experience helped him develop techniques and methods to expedite the debugging and troubleshooting of analog circuits. Those methods are compiled in this popular 217-page book, which contains 14 chapters, eight appendices, and lots of pictures and schematics.
Bob’s approach to problem identification and isolation is applicable to a wide spectrum of engineering disciplines. His guidance helps readers gain an intuitive grasp of pinpointing problems. Chapter One begins with “First things first: the philosophy of troubleshooting.” Subsequent chapters cover “The analog-digital boundary: a never-never land?” and “Real circuits and real problems.”
Fans of Bob’s Electronic Design column will enjoy Troubleshooting Analog Circuits’ conversational style, complete with unique insights, humor, and philosophies. For example, read how a regular AM radio can become a simple piece of troubleshooting equipment. Overall, a useful and interesting addition to any technical library.
If you're interested in analog circuit design, you might also like these books:
Designing Analog Circuits (2005), Hans Camenzind ISBN: 1419603140
Op Amp Applications Handbook (2004), Walt Jung ISBN: 9780750678445
Linear Circuit Design Handbook (2008), Hank Zumbhalen, ISBN: 0750687037
Practical Analog Design Techniques (2005), Walt Kester, ISBN: 0916550168
EDITOR NOTE: The first link in the booklist downloads the book for free; the link with the ISBN number is one of many places you can buy a printed and bound text. If you have any other books you'd highly recommend, please post them in the comments