Ok. Something new. We are doing blogs on Electronic Design!
Actually I've been doing this for awhile now but under different headings. This includes my Lab Bench column that is in each print issue of Electronic Design as well as my hands-on column, Bill's Workbench, where I try out things like development kits, build arbitrary projects and otherwise vent. Guess I will have to do some of the latter here.
My other columns will continue so check out the latest as well as past articles.There is almost a decade's worth on Bill's Workbench. It is interesting to see how things have improved over the years. When I started it the dev kits of the day tended to be expensive and minimal. Not every vendor has caught on but low cost dev kits are the norm these days. Kits the incorporate references designs are on the rise.
One I am looking forward to testing soon is Bug Labs's latest Bug 2.0. If you have not see this neat platform before then check out " Build With A Bug". The base is built around a Texas Instrument's OMAP processor.It runs Linux and Java.
It has sockets for four Bug modules.
Really neat stuff.
More later.