How To Get Big Sounds From Small Speakers (.PDF Download)

Feb. 11, 2016

One consumer-electronics trend that shows no signs of slowing down is the drive toward ever-smaller devices. Desktop PCs become laptops and then tablets. Portable devices become wearables. And, of course, every succeeding generation is thinner than the last...

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Altech Disconnect Switches

This video shows you how Altech's Disconnect Switches works.

LTC4286 Positive Hot Swap Controller

ADI's LTC4286 is an integrated solution for hot-swap applications allowing a board to be safely inserted and removed from a live backplane.

How sensor fusion is driving vehicle autonomy forward

As ADAS technology extends to critical, time-sensitive applications such as emergency braking, front-collision warning and avoidance, and blind-spot detection combining data...

Do all rails need low Iq?

All designers of ultra-low power systems are concerned about battery life.