Hybrid-Beamforming Design for 5G Wireless Communications (.PDF Download)

Oct. 13, 2016

While 5G standards are still very much evolving, the goals for higher data rates, lower-latency network accesses, and more energy-efficient implementations are clear. And with higher data rates comes the need for wider bandwidth spectrums. Today, available bandwidth in the spectrum up through 6 GHz isn’t sufficient to satisfy these requirements. This, in turn, has helped move the target operating frequency bands up into the millimeter-wave range for the next generation of wireless communication systems...

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Same Sky Solutions—Select a Fan for Forced Air Cooling

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How sensor fusion is driving vehicle autonomy forward

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The Basics of Ultrasonic Sensors

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High-end corner radar reference design

View the TI TIDEP-01027 reference design block diagram, schematic, bill of materials (BOM), description, features and design files and start designing.