The newest reliability testing techniques will be on center stage at the 23rd annual Reliability Testing Institute held May 5-9 in Tucson, AZ. The program is sponsored by the University of Arizona and more than 12 major corporations and government agencies, and directed by Dr. Dimitri Kececioglu.
Subjects in the five-day curriculum include analyzing equipment and product performance data to obtain times-to-failure distributions; failure rates, mean lives and reliabilities, and their confidence limits at desired confidence levels; methods to obtain failure and reliability data with minimum sample sizes, in the shortest test time and at the lowest cost; testing components and equipment having exponential, lognormal and Weibull times-to-failure distributions; nonparametric, distribution-free testing; success-run testing; sudden-death testing, confidence-level-rank testing; suspended-items testing; determination of confidence limits on the mean-time-between-failures and the reliabilities for the exponential, and Weibull distributed times-to-failure; reliability, mean-life and confidence limits determination for one-shot items; accelerated testing; tests of comparison; fixed-time and fixed-failure tests; sequential testing for the exponential and binomial cases; Bayesian testing; reliability and failure-rate data exchange programs and data sources; reliability growth testing and data analysis; steps to improve reliability and quality; best burn-in test time determination; environmental stress screening; design of experiments, failure analysis, and managing the reliability engineering and testing functions.
As a participant, you will have opportunities to ask questions about and seek solutions to your reliability testing problems. You also will receive three continuing education units for completing the institute.
For more information about the institute, contact Dr. Kececioglu, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Arizona, 1130 Mountain Ave., Building #179, Room N517, Tucson, AZ 85721, (520) 621-6120, 621-2495, 621-3054 or 621-5104, e-mail: [email protected].
Copyright 1997 Nelson Publishing Inc.
March 1997