The Model WT1800 Precision Power Analyzer features 16-bit A/D converters with a digitizing rate of 2 MS/s, a voltage and current bandwidth from DC to 5 MHz, and basic power measurement accuracy of 0.1% of reading plus 0.05% of range. Power can be measured from DC and 0.1 Hz to 1 MHz. The 8.4-in. XGA display helps to set up and display up to 12 pages of measurement items.
A highlight of the design is the dual harmonic measurement function that can simultaneously measure the harmonic content and perform harmonic analysis on two different sources. The analyzer also includes motor evaluation, programmable digital filter, average active power, and event trigger functions. A library of complex application-specific measurement math equations, several communications interface ports, and support for USB removable storage media are provided. Yokogawa Corp. of America