Integration of RF into a single product has become more and more complex, increasing the technical risk while trying to reduce the product development cycle. At Insight SiP, we rapidly solve these challenges.
GreenSide, Bat.7, Entree2 400 Avenue Roumanille, BP 309 Sophia–Antipolis F-06906 France
The increased demand for wireless connectivity in portable electronic devices has driven manufacturers to deliver ever-smaller, more cost effective solutions. This makes the integration of RF into a single product more and more complex and increases technical risk while in the mean time the product development cycle has to be reduced.
At Insight SiP we rapidly solve these challenges. Based on a system-in-package approach we make complex RF systems easy to integrate in any existing or future portable application. We contribute to reduce our customer’s product development cycle and accelerate their product’s release-to-market. It’s all in the package! In less time!
Wireless network protocols that are available for smart-home applications today won’t necessarily be the most widely adopted in the future. Here’s a look at Zigbee, Bluetooth,...