Introspect Technology

Montreal, Quebec H3J 1M1


About Introspect Technology

Introspect Technology designs and manufactures innovative test and measurement equipment for high-speed digital applications.


1620 Notre-Dame O
Suite 501
Montreal, Quebec H3J 1M1
(514) 819 3358

More Info on Introspect Technology

Founded in 2012, Introspect Technology designs and manufactures innovative test and measurement equipment for high-speed digital applications. Whether it is the next augmented reality headset or the level-4 autonomy engine in a mobility solution, our award-winning tools are used to develop, test, and manufacture next-generation products. In short, we help the leading global technology companies make tomorrow’s technology today’s possibility.

Introspect offers a broad range of solutions for high-speed SerDes (Serializer/Deserializer) development and test. Each of our product categories is optimized for different use and deployment models. Our instruments are the most integrated SerDes testers in the industry with a small form factor solution that allows for high-performance, high-volume testing.

What makes our testers unique is that our customers are able to use the same instrument for lab activities and production — a cost-effective alternative to traditional test and measurement equipment such as  expensive bench instruments or rigid automatic test equipment (ATE).

Articles & News

Introspect Technology

MIPI DSI-2 Features that Will Make Your Gamers’ Heads Spin

July 22, 2024
Learn about new functionality available with MIPI DSI-2 that makes it the ideal interface for small panel displays.

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