AM signals: Internet carbon footprint, getting a raise, trolley problem
Google’s self-driving-car chief Chris Urmson downplays the “trolley problem”—related to ethical decisions autonomous vehicles may need to make in the event of an unavoidable accident. (Hit the helmeted cyclist, who is more likely to survive the crash, or the helmetless one, who put himself at greater risk?) The Washington Post quotes him as calling it a fun problem for philosophers.
The paper submission deadline is approaching for the 2016 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, scheduled for May 22-27 in San Francisco. Click here for additional information.
U.S. data centers used 91 billion kWh of electric power in 2013, reports R.P. Siegel at 3BL Media/Justmeans, with the Internet estimated to account for about 2% of America’s carbon footprint. Siegel lists several Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) recommendations for measuring the carbon footprint of cloud services.
Hoping for a raise? You might try obtaining a competing offer that you can use as leverage, but management columnist Alison Green advised against it back in 2012. “Using another job offer as a bargaining chip may be tempting, but too often, it ends badly,” she wrote. But L.V. Anderson in Slate takes a fresh look at the topic and concludes the counter-offer strategy could work—especially if you’re in high tech as opposed to fashion.
On the other hand, Anita Bruzzese writes, “New research from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania finds that workers who take advantage of different opportunities in their organizations not only get a pay raise with these moves, but they also receive greater responsibilities.”
MVG (Microwave Vision Group) announced a contract to supply a large shielded chamber at one of its customer’s UK locations. This shielded chamber project, worth an estimated €1.6 million, is expected to be commissioned in 2016. Paul Duxbury, European sales manager at MVG|EMC, said, “This particular project reinforces our expertise as an EMC shielded chamber provider.”
Lockheed Martin is considering getting out of the business of supplying IT services to the U.S. government, according to the Wall Street Journal. The company, which is purchasing the Sikorsky helicopter business from United Technologies, will defer the IT decision until early next year.