Designed for portable and communication equipment, industrial control, and automotive systems, the dual, 12-bit AD7396 and dual, 10-bit AD7397 D/A converters draw just 100 µA (maximum) per DAC and require just 0.1 µA (typical) when in power-down mode. Both offer differential linearity error of 0.9 LSB maximum. They're said to be the industry's first +2.7V to +5.5V, parallel-input voltage output DACs configured as duals. Packaging options include 24-pin plastic DIPs and SOICs for an extended industrial temperature range (-40°C to 85°C) devices and 1.1-mm-tall, 24-lead TSSOPs for the automotive temperature-range (-40°C to 125°C) AD7397AR. Prices start at $4.12 each/1000.