Claimed as the first 200V integrated switched mode power supply IC on the market, the IR4007 is a dc/dc converter control IC with a fully avalanche-characterized MOSFET built in. The avalanche capability simplifies circuit design, since the device can handle momentary transient voltages above its rated breakdown voltage as long as they do not exceed the specified avalanche energy limit of 100 mJ. The chip has input and output feedback circuits and two operating modes for efficient power conversion and flexible circuit design. Application topologies include 48V in, 3.3V output flyback converters up to 5A. Typical applications include dc/dc conversion for distributed architecture power systems with a 48V main power rail, such as used in telecom power supplies and datacom system servers, or ac/dc switching power supplies with up to 100 Vdc nominal dc input. Two operating modes are built-in: quasi-resonant mode and pulse ratio control. Housed in a single TO-262 package, the chip is priced at $2.00 each/10,000.
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