The PIC16CR54C ROM-containing and PIC16C505 one-time programmable (OTP) microcontrollers are strong candidates for use in cost-sensitive embedded applications. The PIC16CR54C offers 512 x 12 words of ROM program memory, 25 bytes of user RAM, and 12 I/O pins. The PIC16C505 offers 1024 x 12 words of program memory, allowing 2:1 code compaction compared with other solutions; it also has 72 x 8 bytes of user RAM, 12 I/O pins with 25 mA sink and source capability, wake-up on I/O change, and 4 MHz internal clock oscillator. Both devices provide 33 single-word instructions, programmable watchdog timer with dedicated on-chip RC oscillator for reliable operation, full-speed 200-ns instruction cycle at 20 MHz, seven special function hardware registers, two-level deep hardware stack, 8-bit real-time clock/counter with 8-bit programmable prescaler, high current sink/source for direct LED drive, wide voltage operating voltage range of 2.5 to 5.5 vdc, and power consumption of less than 2 mA at 5V and 4 MHz. The µCs come housed in 14-pin PDIP, SOIC or JW packages.
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