OmniAir-Qualified Test Equipment Accelerates Cellular V2X Device Certification
Keysight Technologies and the OmniAir Consortium, an industry association that promotes interoperability and certification for intelligent transportation systems (ITS), announced that Keysight is first to gain OmniAir Qualified Test Equipment (OQTE) status, accelerating cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) device certification. OmniAir has approved Keysight's SA8700A C-V2X test solution for physical layer (PHY) and protocol conformance validation based on OmniAir Consortium's test specifications.
A holistic approach to validating C-V2X interoperability, performance and conformance to 3GPP specifications allows vendors, test houses and road authorities to advance roadway safety.OmniAir's certification program assesses and qualifies test equipment and authorizes test laboratories. Keysight offers the only eligible OQTE certified test solution available today that covers physical and protocol layer test cases, enabling OmniAir authorized test laboratories (OATLs) to perform comprehensive C-V2X certification testing. Thorough testing according to the latest OmniAir specifications promotes successful and efficient market introductions of components critical to the safety of people and goods while in transit on roads.
"Keysight's contributions to the C-V2X standard and broad set of C-V2X test capabilities helped OmniAir establish the world's first C-V2X certification program," said Jason Conley, Executive Director for OmniAir Consortium. "We look forward to the next phase, which includes authorizing the first C-V2X test laboratories and certifying C-V2X devices in line with market demand."
Keysight has been a member of the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA), a cross-industry consortium that helps define 5G V2X communications, since 2018 and was first to achieve 3GPP C-V2X radio frequency conformance test case validation in November 2019.
The OmniAir Consortium is a leading industry association promoting interoperability and certification for ITS, tolling, and Connected Vehicles. OmniAir’s membership includes public agencies, private companies, research institutions, and independent test laboratories. Learn more about OmniAir at