AMI Semiconductor has expanded its family of single-chip stepper motor driver and controller ICs with two devices that incorporate sensorless stall detection. The new ICs will improve reliability and reduce component count.
The AMIS-30623 and AMIS-30624 ICs are designed for remote and multiple axes positioning applications and offer LIN and serial (I²C) interface connectivity respectively. Sensorless stall detection functionality allows designers to implement silent yet accurate position calibration and semi-closed loop operation when approaching mechanical end stops. The integrated “Motion Qualification Mode” helps application developers select a robust set of motion parameters such as torque and acceleration-deceleration profile. As a result, noise and vibration at end-stops can be eliminated and motion control accuracy and reliability improved without the need for optical encoders, position sensors or software algorithms.
By offering a dedicated LIN interface, the AMIS-30623 will suit mechatronics (a branch of engineering that deals with combined mechanical, electronic and software systems) solutions that are connected remotely to a LIN master. The dedicated serial interface provided with the AMIS-30624 makes this device ideal for applications in which the motor controller IC is a peripheral device located next to a host microcontroller on a single PCB. Target applications for the new devices include automotive headlamp leveling.
Both the AMIS-30623 and AMIS-30624 can deliver programmable peak currents of up to 800 mA. The on-chip position controller is configurable for different motor types, positioning ranges and parameters such as speed, acceleration and deceleration. Each device also incorporates a hold current feature, while a power-down supply current of less than 100 µA ensures minimum power consumption in standby mode.
Based on AMI Semiconductor's advanced mixed-signal semiconductor processes, the AMIS-30623 and AMIS-30624 are available in a choice of SOIC-20 or NQFP-32 packaging. Pricing is $4.40 per part for orders in excess of 10,000 pieces.