A pair of 16-bit, voltage output D/A converters targets high-performance, single-supply systems found in industrial process control and fiber-optic communications applications. The DAC7631 and DAC7641 (pictured) feature low power consumption (i.e., 2.5 mW) and provide a voltage output suited for fast settling in single supply and low-voltage dual supply applications. Both products accept 16-bit input data and offer double-buffered DAC input logic structure. An asynchronous reset clears all registers to a mid-scale or to a zero-scale. Also, the DAC7641 provides a data readback mode of the internal input registers which is critical in industrial process control applications.
Both products boast of a 10-µs settling time, 15-bit monotonic performance, a differential reference input, and a configurable output amplifier. DAC7631 costs $5.50 each/1,000 in an SSOP-20 package and DAC7641 is priced at $5.85 in a TQFP-32 package.