Developed as an alternative to masked ASICs in the system-on-a-chip mart, the AT94K05 micro-FPSLIC programmable SoC boasts of both a low cost (under $5 each in volume quantities) and low power dissipation (2-3 mA/MHz during operation; 50 µA in standby mode). And in addition to being powered by an 8-bit, 20+ MIPS, pipelined RISC processor, the SoC also packs a host of peripherals, including UARTs, timer/counters, oscillators, I/O ports, 8 x 8 multiplier, and a two-wire serial interface. The IC also has a 5,000-gate FPGA and 20 KB of program and dual-port data SRAM and comes in 84-pin PLCCs, 100-pin VQFPs, 144-pin TQFPs, and 208-pin PQFPs. For more details, call Martin Mason at ATMEL CORP., San Jose, CA. (408) 436-4178.