In its latest incarnation, Model Technology's ModelSim 5.5 HDL simulator boasts significantly enhanced memory utilization, interactive debug features, testbench, and regression test support. According to the company, it substantially outperforms earlier VHDL and Verilog versions.
RTL simulation performance is twice as fast for both languages. Also, Verilog gate-level simulation users will see a two- to fourfold performance boost along with memory footprints that are two to three times smaller. These sizes let very large designs fit into 32-bit workstations. In the typical simulation-farm environment in large design projects, ModelSim 5.5 delivers dramatic productivity gains. By upgrading these server farms to this edition, users can double their capacity.
The language-neutral simulator, which uses one graphical user interface for both VHDL and Verilog, sports a number of upgrades in Version 5.5. A new Waveform Compare tool offers text reporting. Its advanced graphical interface simplifies the setup of regression test environments and accelerates debugging. Fully integrated into the ModelSim environment, Waveform Compare is a standard feature of ModelSim SE. It's available as an upgrade for ModelSim EE and PE users.
Version 5.5's Signal Spy lets users easily see signals buried deep in a VHDL or mixed-language design hierarchy. Designers can monitor any signal anywhere in the design and incorporate it into their testbench without having to modify their existing code. Meanwhile, 5.5's waveform file compression delivers an average tenfold reduction in waveform file size. This dramatically improves the loading and scrolling times of large waveform files.
Perpetual pricing starts at $4495 for ModelSim Personal Edition (PE) and $19,000 for ModelSim Special Edition (SE). Term licenses also are available.
Model Technology Inc., 10450 SW Nimbus Ave., Bldg. R-b, Portland, OR 97223-4347; (503) 641-1340;