Supervisor Circuits Have 16 Kb EEPROM

Nov. 1, 2001

Representing an expansion of the company's analog EEPROM AE2 line of mixed-signal products, the CAT116x microprocessor supervisory circuits also pack on-chip 16 Kb of serial EEPROM. The EEPROM uses an I2C interface and includes hardware-write protection. The three devices in the family offer versions with dual-polarity reset outputs, manual-reset capability, and watchdog timer capability. Five reset voltage threshold options support 5V, 3.3V and 3V systems. Package options include eight-pin DIP and SO with commercial and industrial temperature versions available. The new supervisory circuits include: the CAT1161 with watchdog timer and internal SDA; the basic CAT1162; and the CAT1163 with watchdog timer and WDI. The devices cost $0.45, $0.43 and $0.45, respectively, each/10,000. For more details, contact CATALYST SEMICONDUCTOR INC., Sunnyvale,CA. (408) 542-1000.

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