Designed for maximum jitter attenuation, the CTM 5000 frequency translation module provides discrete frequency translation for a variety of telecomm apps. The device is designed to receive a reference frequency ranging from 8 to 64 kHz and synthesize it to an output frequency ranging up to nearly 80 MHz. This process plays a key role in the conversion of older style data transmissions into CMOS-compatible digital frequencies that can be accommodated by modern fiber optic networks. Other features of the device, which measures 0.775" x 0.800" and uses a 3.3V power supply, include: selectable reference frequency inputs through operator control; signal output at reference frequency and internal VCXO frequency; tri-state signal outputs; edge triggered inputs; controlled free-run operation or automatic free-run upon loss of reference frequency; and alarm outputs for loss of reference and loss of lock. Pricing starts at $38.00 each/1,000.