Claimed as the industry's first tool to integrate synthesis and place-and-route technologies, Envisia is an EDA product that brings physically accurate timing to front-end synthesis. The product is based on a concurrent optimization technology called physically knowledgeable synthesis (PKS) that simultaneously optimizes logical and physical design data against timing and physical constraints. PKS technology integrates high-capacity register-transfer-level synthesis, place-and-route, and timing optimization technologies. The result is said to be a one-pass, signal integrity-literate implementation flow that improves overall productivity and restores predictability for deep sub-micron designs. Envisia synthesis with PKS is built on top of the Envisia Ambit synthesis technology and is well suited for multi-million-gate designs. By eliminating the dependence on wire-load-models for timing, the product eliminates unnecessary physical partitioning, resulting in higher performance designs.
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