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Overcoming Challenges in Advanced Logic Semiconductor Manufacturing

Sept. 24, 2024
Henri Richard of Rapidus Design Solutions discusses the latest in logic-chip fabrication and his company’s solutions on this front.

Making logic chips has never been an easy task, and it’s been further challenged by advances in scaling as well as topologies like chiplets. From the race to 2-nm-foundry creation for next-generation wafer creation to the related issues of packaging, engineers must develop new solutions. This is especially significant in the development of chiplet package design and manufacturing technology for 2-nm semiconductors.

In this podcast, we talk to Henri Richard, GM and president of Rapidus Design Solutions, about the state of the art and the solutions his company is developing.

About the Author

Alix Paultre | Editor-at-Large, Electronic Design

An Army veteran, Alix Paultre was a signals intelligence soldier on the East/West German border in the early ‘80s, and eventually wound up helping launch and run a publication on consumer electronics for the US military stationed in Europe. Alix first began in this industry in 1998 at Electronic Products magazine, and since then has worked for a variety of publications in the embedded electronic engineering space. Alix currently lives in Wiesbaden, Germany.

Also check out his YouTube watch-collecting channel, Talking Timepieces

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