Asset3 Chirp Analysis 6002013553a0b

Automotive Radar - Chirp Analysis with R&S RTP Oscilloscope

Jan. 19, 2021
Learn how to measure and analyzer FMCW radar signals with a high-performance four measurement channel oscilloscope R&S® RTP for multi-channel measurements on MIMO radar sensors and correlation with other signals like power rails.

This application note focuses on how to measure and analyze FMCW radar signals with up to 6 GHz bandwidth with an R&S® RTP oscilloscope. On-board analysis features for pulse and chirp analysis for single- and multi-channel measurements will be addressed as well as the combination of oscilloscope and R&S® VSE software. Measurement of an FMCW radar signal in the 77 - 81GHz band with 4 GHz bandwidth is demonstrated.


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