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FAQ: Why Do I Need Wi-Fi 6/6E for Medical and Industrial Applications?

Feb. 1, 2024
Wi-Fi 6/6E offers advantages compared to Wi-Fi 5, adding a 6-GHz band and boosting throughput to 9,607 Mb/s. It also supports low-power applications, permits higher device densities, and extends range. A certified module lets you easily add Wi-Fi 6/6E to medical and industrial applications.

Wi-Fi 6/6E offers significant advantages over earlier Wi-Fi versions, boosting throughput to 9,607 Mb/s, compared with 3,476 Mb/s for Wi-Fi 5. In addition, it incorporates orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) modulation, which supports simultaneous data transfer to more than one device at a time, allowing more devices in close proximity to connect. It also supports low-power applications, extends range, and reduces latency. A certified Wi-Fi 6/6E module lets you easily add the technology to your medical and industrial applications while minimizing regulatory compliance costs.

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