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Technology Articles

June 4, 2021
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Compact buzzers, speakers, and microphones provide options for maximum flexibility

Same Sky Devices' diverse range of buzzers, speakers, and microphones are designed to minimize footprints and maximize reliability to address the trend of miniaturization. All...

MEMS Microphone Interfaces: Analog vs. Digital Outputs

The utilization of MEMS microphones presents an opportunity to incorporate sophisticated communication and monitoring capabilities into a wide range of devices.

Integrated Power Supply Buck Converters

Integrated power supply ICs to implement compact and efficient buck converters for factory automation, 5G and IoT.

MEMS versus ECM: Comparing Microphone Technologies

Two of the most commonly used technologies in microphone construction are micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) microphones and electret condenser microphones (ECM), with numerous...