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PMICs OPTIMIZE REGULATION, Charging, and State-of-Charge Measurement

July 17, 2024
Learn how the Nordic Semiconductor nPM1300 PMIC can extend battery life and simplify design in your next project.

This whitepaper explores the role of single-cell lithium-ion batteries and their applications in low-power devices such as health sensors, computer peripherals, and environmental sensors. Different power-management options are discussed, including System-on-Chips (SoCs) with on-chip regulators and separate chips for regulation and charging. 
The paper highlights the PMIC's ability to: 
•    Minimize the bill-of-materials (BoM) count 
•    Simplify board layout 
•    Boost efficiency
PMIC design considerations are crucial for effective implementation. The focus on these design considerations, the importance of software configuration, and the benefits of choosing PMICs compatible with RTOS or featuring intuitive GUIs will benefit those interested in optimizing their low-power device designs with stable voltages and extended battery life. 

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