The Si4336DY and Si7336DP TrenchFET Gen II power MOSFETs for synchronous buck converters specify a figure of merit (FOM) of 83 and a gate-charge ratio of 0.515. According to the company, the devices offer a 13.5% better on-resistance-times-gate charge-product at 83 m?/nC—said to be a key figure of merit for selecting power MOSFETs for synchronous buck converter applications—as well as 35.6% improvement in gate-to-drain and gate-to-source charges when compared to the next-best SO-8 devices available. Both MOSFETs operate at frequencies up to 1 MHz and exhibit a typical on-resistance of 2.6 m? at a 10V gate drive and typical gate charge of 32 nC at a 4.5V gate drive. Pricing for either device is $1.35 each/100,000. VISHAY SILICONIX, Santa Clara, CA. (619) 336-0860.
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