Lauded as the first miniature bipolar NPN/PNP transistors available in SOT23FF packages, the ZXTN19020CFF and ZXTP19020CFF 20V devices measure 2.5 mm x 3 mm with an off-board height of 1 mm. They deliver gains of 100 at 7A and 110 at 5A, respectively, and both specify a peak current performance of 15A. Operating from 20V through 100V, the transistors reportedly drive MOSFET gates faster and more efficiently than CMOS ICs. In a common emitter configuration, propagation times are less than 2 ns and rise and fall times are 10 ns to 20 ns. Other shared features include a thermal resistance as low as 83°C/W with a 1.5W continuous rating. Price for a ZXTN19020CFF is $0.23/5,000. ZETEX INC., Hauppauge, NY. (631) 360-2222.
Company: ZETEX INC.
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