The new ADSD-1402 is a single-package, dual, 14-bit, 2-MHz sampling a/d converter. Its two converters can be triggered either simultaneously or independently. Besides a converter, each input channel has a sample-hold amplifier and its own timing and control circuits. Features include a SNR of 70 dB, THD of |80 dB, two sets of gain/offset adjustments, and one multiplexed output buffer. With both A/D's converting at the full 2 Msamples/s, output data can be clocked out of the register at 4 Msamples/s. The device operates from a }5V supply with a power dissipation of 725 mW and has no pipeline delays. Available in a 40-pin, ceramic TDIP measuring 27.44 mm x 53.34 mm, price is $438 each/100 for an operating temperature range from 0‹C to 70‹C, and $586 for a range of |55‹C to +125‹C (ADSD-1402MM). DATEL INC., Mansfield, MA. (800) 233-2765.
Company: DATEL INC.
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