Matched MOSFET Arrays Boost Balanced Circuits

Oct. 8, 2008
To jump start balanced-circuit performance, the ALD1121E (dual) and ALD1123E (quad) matched MOSFET arrays rely on the company's proprietary e-trim process, which promises tight matching and tracking of on-resistance, threshold-voltage, and on-current.

To jump start balanced-circuit performance, the ALD1121E (dual) and ALD1123E (quad) matched MOSFET arrays rely on the company's proprietary e-trim process, which promises tight matching and tracking of on-resistance, threshold-voltage, and on-current. Both stay within 1 mV of the offset voltage and exhibit an impedance slightly above 1 kW. Operation is from 1.2V to 10V supplies and, when used in current-mirror or current-multiplier applications, the arrays can provide a current source with a 100 nA to 3 mA range and either positive, negative, or zero temperature-coefficient matching. Available in plastic DIP or SOIC packages, prices range from $0.75 to $1.24 each/1,000. ADVANCED LINEAR DEVICES INC., Sunnyvale, CA. (408) 747-1155.


Product URL: Click here for more information

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