In this 12-part series, Mostly-Analog Editor, Andy Turudic, shares his selections for Electronic Design's best analog articles, adding one selection daily for each month in 2024.
On day 12, we'll present a poll where readers get to choose the Best Analog Article of 2024 from his 12 picks.
Please bookmark and come back daily to read the next suggested article.
So, with apologies to Frederic Austin:
♫ On the <insert day> day of Christmas, my analog editor chose for me to read: ♫
Here's your chance to suggest an article for Andy's consideration that could be included in this best of 2024 listing. Each day of the 12 Days of Christmas gets one entry added for each month of 2024, starting on December 25, 2024. Please bookmark and come back daily to read the next suggested article.
Feel free to share your article suggestions in the comments section below. If it's already been suggested, just give that posting a thumbs up.
This creates a good excuse for you to scan the site for some interesting reading that you may have missed over course of the past year, during the downtime of the holidays. Please don't suggest your own, or your company's, articles.
On the 12th day, we'll do a poll where readers get to choose the best of the 12 articles that we listed.