Designed for interfacing output voltage sensors to a microprocessor, the MSSPSI takes small analog signals from a sensor or MEMs device and anti-aliases, filters and amplifies them. The device offers a wide programmable gain range, making it suitable for use with pressure, vibration and temperature sensors and accelerometers. The sensor interface includes a low-noise preamp that can be configured for differential or single-ended mode. It also provides a digital serial input port, 12-bit a/d converter, temperature sensor, dc-offset adjustment circuit, a four-input multiplexer, and anti-aliasing. The device operates from a 3.3V to 5.5 Vdc supply in temperatures from –40°C to 85°C with a typical operating current in low-power mode of 2 mA. The 32-pin plastic LQFP costs $5.95 each/10K. MIXED SIGNAL INTEGRATION, San Jose, CA. (408) 434-6305.
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