Multiple mobile TV standards are used throughout the world. The ATSC-M/H standard is used primarily by the U.S., although other countries are considering its adoption including Canada, Mexico, and a mix of Central American countries. The rest of the world uses alternaive standards that employ coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) with some form of quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) modulation.
- China Multimedia Mobile Broadcasting (CCMB): CCMB uses 8-MHz channels in the 470- to 854-MHz range.
- Digital Video Broadcast (DVB): Both terrestrial (DVB-T) and mobile handheld (DVB-H) versions are in use. The fixed DVB-T version uses a more aggressive 64-state quadrature amplitude modulation (64QAM) scheme. The DVB-H version operates in the 470- to 854-MHz range in 6-, 7-, or 8-MHz channels. It is primarily a European standard, although it has been adopted in Russia, Scandinavia, Australia, and several other areas.
- Integrated Service Digital Broadcast – Terrestrial (ISDB-T): Primarily a Japanese standard, ISDB-T also has been adopted in Brazil and most of South America. It uses 0.43-MHz channels in the 470- to 770-MHz band.
- Terrestrial – Digital Multimedia Broadcast (T-DMB): This South Korean standard also is used in Germany. A satellite version (S-DMB) is available as well. It uses 6-MHz channels in the 174- to 230-MHz and 470- to 854-MHz ranges.