Skyworks’ fully matched surface mount +19 dBm linear power amplifiers for LTE and WCDMA applications, the SKY66001-11 (2110 - 2170 MHz), SKY66002-11 (1900 - 2025 MHz), SKY66005-11 (850 - 920 MHz) and SKY66008-11 (900 - 990 MHz) modules, meet the stringent spectral linearity requirements of WCDMA femtocell applications with high power-added efficiency. Manufactured with the company’s InGaP GaAs HBT process, the amplifiers provide for all positive voltage dc supply operation, maintaining high efficiency and good linearity. The primary bias to the device can be supplied directly from any suitable power supply with an output of 4.2 V. The GaAs MMIC contains all active amplifier circuitry, which includes input and interstage matching circuits. An output match into a 50 Ω load, realized off-chip within the module package, optimizes efficiency and power performance, and an integrated directional coupler eliminates the need for any external coupler. Given their low current consumption, high linearity and small footprint, the amplifiers are ideally suited for femtocell, infrastructure and small cell designs. Samples of the SKY6600x-11 linear power amplifiers, packaged in 10-pin, 3 x 3 mm MCMs, are available.