Based on 45nm process technology and the new Intel microarchitecture, formerly code-named “Nehalem,” both processors are from the Intel embedded roadmap that offers at least seven-year availability. With up to 64GB of DDR3-1066 ECC SDRAM, two 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports, and several SAS and SATA300 disk interfaces, the PP 66x/071 family has one of the highest specifications available to 6U CompactPCI users today. The boards are particularly suited for CPU-intensive processing applications within the telecommunications, defence, and homeland-security market sectors.
The Intel Xeon processors feature Intel QuickPath Technology and Intel Turbo Boost Technology that, along with Intel Hyper-Threading Technology, make them a good fit in bandwidth-intensive applications. With Intel’s QuickPath Technology, a high-speed, point-to-point connection is formed between the microprocessor and the Intel 5520 I/O Hub. Intel Turbo Boost Technology elevates performance for specific workloads by increasing processor core frequency.
Says Glen Fawcett, CEO for Concurrent Technologies, “As one of the first companies to announce a product based on the Intel Xeon 5500 platform from Intel’s embedded roadmap, we have re-emphasised our commitment to introduce new high performance products to the critical embedded market. This latest product will provide the additional performance our customers are asking for.”