==================================Electronic Design UPDATE e-Newsletter Electronic Design Magazine PlanetEE ==> www.planetee.com February 11, 2004
=============================*************************ADVERTISEMENT************************** Stratix II FPGAs: The Biggest & Fastest FPGAs! With a rich set of system-level features & 40% less cost than the first generation, the Stratix II FPGA's logic structure offers 500 MHz internal clock performance, 180K equivalent logic elements, 9 Mbits of memory & 384 (18-bit x 18-bit) multipliers. Altera's Stratix II FPGAs, Quartus II software & IP cores are ideal for your FPGA design needs! http://lists.planetee.com/cgi-bin3/DM/y/eeZh0DJhUf0EmQ0BFSB0Ad eds_1_ 063 **************************************************************** Today's Table Of Contents: 1. Industry View * Critical Elements Of A Product-Line Software Strategy 2. Focus On Embedded Systems * DSP Gets TCP/IP Ethernet Stack 3. News From The Editors * Small-Outline LCD Modules Go Industrial * Micro-ohmeter Features High Accuracy * Semi Sales Soared Last Year * Eclipse Platform Under New Management 4. Upcoming Industry Events * International Solid State Circuits Conference * Design Automation and Test in Europe * International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays * IPC Exhibition and Conference * 18th 3GSM World Congress 5. Magazine Highlights: February 2, 2004 * Cover Story: Engineering Feature/Success Story -- Cognex Brings In-Sight To Machine Vision * Leapfrog: Industry First -- Power-Management Chip Takes Charge In Handhelds * Technology Report -- Gigabit-Per-Second Serial Buses Put Testing To The Test * Design View / Design Solution -- Choose The Right Multiprocessor For Your Embedded System Electronic Design UPDATE edited by John Novellino **************************************************************** BE SURE TO VISIT www.elecdesign.com, where the power of Electronic Design is a mouse click away! Read our Web exclusives, discover Featured Vendors, access our archives, share viewpoints in our Forums, explore our e-newsletters, and more. TAKE OUR CURRENT QUICK POLL: Our editors would like to know: How influential were your electronics hobbies in choosing engineering as a career? Go to Electronic Design ==> http://lists.planetee.com/cgi-bin3/DM/y/eeZh0DJhUf0EmQ03Hf0Ad Technology Editor Wanted: Electronic Design, the leading worldwide design engineering publication, is looking for an experienced technical editor to join our team. You will be responsible for front-line writing for Electronic Design and associated e-media properties. You also will develop and write major features and departments, including sectional editing responsibility, writing assignments, and columns. As a member of our select team of editors, you'll interview the "movers and shakers" of the electronics engineering world and attend the top trade shows and symposiums to gather details on the leading edge of technology. Send your resume to our Editor-in-Chief, Mark David
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Industry View -- Exclusive to Electronic Design UPDATE ********************** Critical Elements Of A Product-Line Software Strategy By Norm Delisle, Engineering Vice President, Foliage Software Systems Over the past couple of years, the software industry has started focusing considerable attention on product-line architectures. A product line is a closely related family of products intended to serve several segments of the same overall market. The product-line architecture allows the entire family of products to use the same software framework. In other words, there is a high degree of common software (and hardware) used across the product line. At the same time, the common software framework facilitates development of the variety of unique features required by each individual product. Product developers have been using product-line concepts informally for well over a decade. It is not unusual to see a single software framework used in dozens of product models -- sometimes across multiple product lines. Of course, this software reuse strategy is not always entirely successful. A software framework that is not architected to effectively support the range of commonality and variability required by the products it supports will quickly erode, resulting in productivity, quality, and time-to-market problems. Several elements are critical to an effective product-line software strategy: -- Setting Realistic Objectives: You need to start by determining the right mix of products. If the products are too diverse, a single product-line software framework will not be able to support them effectively. Objectives should include level of investment and return-on-investment needed and the timeframe. -- Formulating the Architecture Strategy: The architecture strategy needs to analyze the dominant complexities and architectural drivers across all the anticipated products in the line. It is not easy to predict future product requirements accurately, but most companies can base the projections on their history with these product types and industry trends. -- Developing the Architecture: The product-line architecture will employ organizing principles derived from the dominant complexities and other architectural drivers. Typically, the architecture employs loosely coupled, highly modular software components or services built on top of a rich common software infrastructure. -- Developing the Common Software Components: Before any products can be developed using the product-line software framework, the common components need to be developed. Each component is developed with intra-component commonality and variability mechanisms in mind. In the case of migration from legacy software, the components are typically based on existing code that is reengineered for use in the framework. -- Developing Products from the Product-Line Framework: The product-line framework provides a huge head start when each product needs to be developed. Typically, the commonality and variability mechanisms provided in the framework will help guide the product development effort. In some cases, the framework's reusable components will need only minor enhancements. In other cases, new components can be developed and easily integrated into the framework. -- Substantiating the Product-Line Framework: Sustaining a product-line framework requires an ongoing investment. Typically, the product developers need to be focused on producing the software for their products, and they are not able to invest the extra effort needed to continue to evolve the common framework components. Frequently, a separate product-line support organization is formed with the charter to continue to evolve the framework to better meet product needs and incorporate new capabilities developed by the product efforts. Too often in most companies, engineering decisions are made without full knowledge of the business implications. By the same token, software limitations overly constrain business strategies. A better coupling is needed between engineering and business strategies. A product-line strategy encompasses both realms, resulting in the coordinated, well-orchestrated creation and execution of both engineering and business objectives. For more information on how to apply product-line architecture concepts to semiconductor equipment software, see the Foliage White Paper "Designing Product Line Architectures for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment" available for download at http://lists.planetee.com/cgi-bin3/DM/y/eeZh0DJhUf0EmQ0BFSR0At Norm Delisle manages delivery of custom software development services as well as consulting services in technology strategy and software architecture. He can be reached at [email protected]. To comment on this Editor's View, go to Reader Comments at the foot of the Web page: Electronic Design UPDATE ==> http://lists.planetee.com/cgi-bin3/DM/y/eeZh0DJhUf0EmQ0BFSF0Ah ********************** 2. Focus On Embedded Systems ********************** ***DSP Gets TCP/IP Ethernet Stack Texas Instruments' TMS320VC5416 DSP device gains Ethernet connectivity with the addition of the Infinetix Ethernet daughter card. The card delivers TCP/IP support via CMX-MicroNet from CMX Systems. CMX-MicroNet requires only 3 to 20 kbytes, depending on the features included. The package includes a number of TCP/IP application services. CMX-MicroNet pricing starts at $5500, and a free demo version is available upon request. The Infinetix card costs $195. CMX System ==> http://lists.planetee.com/cgi-bin3/DM/y/eeZh0DJhUf0EmQ0BFSG0Ai Texas Instruments ==> http://lists.planetee.com/cgi-bin3/DM/y/eeZh0DJhUf0EmQ08CD0A4 ********************** 3. News -- From The Editors ********************** ***Small-Outline LCD Modules Go Industrial Two new wide-viewing-angle thin-film-transistor (TFT) LCDs target industrial applications. The XGA 12.1-in. LTD121GA0S features a 100-deg. vertical/120-deg. horizontal viewing angle. The VGA 10.4-in. LTD104C11S allows 120-deg. vertical/140-deg. horizontal viewing. The 'C11S measures 278.3 by 209 by 12 mm, and the 'GAOS sizes up at 238.5 by 177.5 by 12 mm. Luminance is 350 and 400 cd/sq. m, respectively, and they consume 7.7 W and 6.2 W, respectively, at 6 mA. The larger display module operates from 3.3 V, while the smaller one operates from 3.3 and 5 V. Available now in sample quantities, the 'C11S goes for $375 each, and the 'GAOS costs $325 each. Toshiba Electronic America Components ==> http://lists.planetee.com/cgi-bin3/DM/y/eeZh0DJhUf0EmQ0BFSH0Aj ***Micro-ohmmeter Features High Accuracy The LR2000 measures resistances from 1 micro-ohm to 2 Mohms with 1-micro-ohm resolution and 0.05% basic accuracy. The instrument is designed for benchtop or automated test of contact and bonding resistance on a wide variety of components, including switches, connectors, relays, solenoids, fuses, motors, cables, and heating elements. It automatically selects from nine measurement ranges and includes a programmable high/low comparator function and eight sorting bins for pass/fail testing and device categorization. Test setup and comparator/binning information is automatically recalled on instrument power-up. Three measurement speeds allow for varying degrees of accuracy and up to 15 measurements per second. A four-terminal Kelvin connection and automatic zeroing eliminate errors introduced by the test leads. Polarity reversal and pulsed modes compensate for thermal electromagnetic-field effects and errors caused by device heating. The LR2000 costs $2495, which includes an RS-232 interface, a NIST-traceable calibration certificate, and Kelvin test leads. An IEEE-488 interface and handler is optional. QuadTech Inc. ==> http://lists.planetee.com/cgi-bin3/DM/y/eeZh0DJhUf0EmQ0BFSI0Ak ***Semi Sales Soared Last Year Worldwide sales of semiconductors rose briskly in 2003 and may do even better this year, according to statistics from the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA). Sales in 2003 were $166.4 billion, up 18.3% from $140.8 billion in 2002. Fourth-quarter revenues were $48.1 billion, up 11% from the third quarter and up 28% year-to-year. "The industry's broad, upward momentum across all product sectors and geographic markets is driving us toward another year of strong, double-digit growth, which is now expected to exceed 19% in 2004," said George Scalise, SIA president. "The wireless sector continues to spearhead growth, but PC shipments also recovered in 2003 to an 11% unit volume increase. We are experiencing a virtual revolution in global consumer markets as consumers adopt new technology and multifunctional smart devices such as camera phones, PDAs, and DVDs." All geographic markets recorded increased sales during the fourth quarter, according to the SIA report. Semiconductor Industry Association ==> http://lists.planetee.com/cgi-bin3/DM/y/eeZh0DJhUf0EmQ07EI0AB ***Eclipse Platform Under New Management Future development of the Eclipse Platform is now in the hands of a not-for-profit corporation, a change from the consortium that was formed when IBM released Eclipse into Open Source. The result is an independent, full-time management organization that will engage with commercial developers and consumers, academic and research institutions, standards bodies, tool interoperability groups, and individual developers. It also will coordinate Open Source projects. A set of councils -- Requirements, Architecture, and Planning -- will guide the development done by Eclipse Open Source projects. With support from more than 50 member companies, Eclipse already hosts four major Open Source projects that include 19 subprojects. All technology and source code provided to the ecosystem will remain openly available and royalty-free. Eclipse ==> http://lists.planetee.com/cgi-bin3/DM/y/eeZh0DJhUf0EmQ08hD0Ag ********************** 4. Upcoming Industry Events ********************** Feb. 15-19, IEEE International Solid State Circuits Conference San Francisco, Calif. http://lists.planetee.com/cgi-bin3/DM/y/eeZh0DJhUf0EmQ0BFSJ0Al Feb. 16-20, Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) Paris, France http://lists.planetee.com/cgi-bin3/DM/y/eeZh0DJhUf0EmQ07ci0AD Feb. 22-24, International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays Monterey, Calif. http://lists.planetee.com/cgi-bin3/DM/y/eeZh0DJhUf0EmQ0BFIb0Az Feb. 22-26, IPC Exhibition and Conference Anaheim, Calif. http://lists.planetee.com/cgi-bin3/DM/y/eeZh0DJhUf0EmQ0BFSK0Am Feb. 23-26, 18th 3GSM World Congress Cannes, France http://lists.planetee.com/cgi-bin3/DM/y/eeZh0DJhUf0EmQ0BFSL0An ********************** 5. Magazine Highlights ********************** In case you missed them, here are some of the high points of our most recent issue. February 2, 2004: * Cover Story: Engineering Feature/Success Story -- Cognex Brings In-Sight To Machine Vision Machine-vision technology continues to reinvent the production process, and In-Sight systems put it within everyone's reach. * Leapfrog: Industry First -- Power-Management Chip Takes Charge In Handhelds Taking its power from either an ac adapter, USB port, or battery, this IC performs power-source selection, power delivery, battery charging, and other functions for popular single-cell Li-ion devices. * Technology Report -- Gigabit-Per-Second Serial Buses Put Testing To The Test * Design View / Design Solution -- Choose The Right Multiprocessor For Your Embedded System For the complete Table of Contents, go to Electronic Design ==> http://lists.planetee.com/cgi-bin3/DM/y/eeZh0DJhUf0EmQ0BFSM0Ao CONTACTS: Electronic Design UPDATE e-NEWSLETTER
==================================Editorial: Lucinda Mattera, Associate Chief Editor: mailto:[email protected] Advertising/Sponsorship Opportunities: Bill Baumann, Associate Publisher: mailto:[email protected]
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